Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Truth Contained in "Bloodmoney"

The truth that Planned Parenthood doesn't want us to know is right before our eyes! Will we seek the truth that will set us free?

The  following link is to this new independent film which needs our  support to expose the corruption of Planned Parenthood. The  movie is called "Blood Money", and  in order for the producers to get it into the theaters they need to show that millions of interested people have visited  their website.

You need only visit the website; there is  no need to sign-up as a supporter unless you are compelled to  do so. The link is the trailer for the movie.   PLEASE HELP GET THIS IMPORTANT  FILM INTO THEATERS BY VISITING THE WEBSITE, then forward this  to your family and friends!  Americans NEED to see this...


Please pray with me for the end of abortion!

Heavenly Father pour out your Grace upon those souls whose hearts are hardened to Your Truth. Soften their hearts and make them turn to You for not only are You Just, You are full and overflowing with Mercy! There is nothing that cannot be redeemed by the Precious Blood of Your Son Who has already merited the Grace to be given through the Blood of His cross.

Sweet Mother Mary, take these Graces from your Son and distribute them with the generosity of Your Motherly Heart. Immerse the souls of those who have participated in abortion in any way into the ocean of His Mercy so that they may turn away from their former life and be filled with the forgiveness and peace that awaits them through the Holy Spirit! Fill them, Sweet Spirit, with self-sacrificial love, so that they may use their knowledge and gifts for the glory of Your Name!

Blessed Mother, embrace these tiny babies who are lost to this world to abortion. Hold them close to your Immaculate Heart and unite what they suffered with your suffering, on behalf of these same sinners who caused you to have to watch Jesus in His agony. As your Immaculate Heart was united to His Sacred Heart on the cross - yours pierced with a sword and His pierced with a lance - may your love for all your children be a gift that Our Heavenly Father cannot refuse as it comes united to the sacrifice of His and your only Son.

May these little angels then fly from the bosom of the Sorrowful Mother to sing before the throne of God. May they give Him eternal glory through Christ Our Lord. Amen!

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